Stage director - Playwright - Artist
* The Norwegian translation of my play witchmacbethforest (Bilder av brent jord) has had its premiere as a reading performance. After two successful performances at Norma T in Oslo, it is on a slow tour of the region: next up is Naustet, Nesodden on March 8!
* My play Landscape with Radioactive Dogs will be produced by Theater Bellevue (Amsterdam) and directed by myself and have its premiere on January 17 2026. The performance is part of the European project Future Narratives for Planet Earth and will visit Belgium and Austria.
* Landmarks Collective have started working on our next creation, Treework, set to premiere at Oerol festival 2025! Also check out our new website!
* My new play Walvishart (whale heart) will be performed as a reading at Theater Bellevue in Amsterdam on 13 April
* A version of Stonework for children (0-6) will be presented at 2TurvenHoog festival in april

Photos by Anna van Kooij 2022
Stonework had its premiere during the Gaudeamus festival on September 9 and was performed in the Netherlands and in Norway the past months. We are working to schedule new dates soon!
This brand new work is an exciting new direction for me and Mees Borgman. Together we are embarking on a journey into the unknown, creating works for and with non-humans, inspired by the urgency of the climate crisis. How can we as artists contribute to a more sustainable future on the planet Earth? Under the name Landmarks, we will investigate this in playful, experimental ways the coming years. Stonework is coproduced with Gaudeamus festival and is realised in collaboration with Casco Art Institute. It is made possible by the generous support of the Norwegian Arts Council, Fonds Podiumkunsten, the City of Utrecht, Stichting Melanie, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and Dioraphte fonds.